Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fear of the Unknown

Barns at Davis

I want a spot in a barn at Davis, any barn, so badly I can taste it. I want to be in the middle of everything, near the animals and people who think like me, who are as crazy about critters as I am. Who do not think I am strange or weird for loving animals as much as I do. People who I can talk to about common interests and share stories that they might relate to. Of course, the horse barn would be ideal, but I am sure that one it the most sought after. I would love a spot in the swine barn, the sheep barn, or the cattle barn, I love all of those critters, too! I

Sean agrees with my emotional reasons for wanting to living in the barns, but he also sees the practical side. We love Shorty, but the expense of fixing him up for the drive and making him livable is pretty hefty. Plus, parking him somewhere would mean paying rent, even if at a discounted rate. And I would be required to drive probably, since most of the off campus living where we could park a trailer is four plus miles away. With an old Jeep like Stan, who gets about 12 mpg on a good day, the gas really adds up. Saving on start-up and monthly costs would take a great deal of the burden off of Sean’s shoulders, since he is the only one working right now. Hopefully he could work out a deal, whether he lives with his parents, his brother, or anyone else while I am gone, to do a partial work exchange for his room.

Not knowing what is going to happen tempts me to worry, but I need to remember that my Lord knows what He wants, and all I need to do is my very best, and He will open the doors that He wants me to walk through. 


Yesterday was scary; I was talking to Emma in animal science advising at UC Davis via email, asking random questions she might be able to help me with. She mentioned that I needed to turn in a SIR (student intent to register). I have no idea what that is, so I went to talk to my counselor here at COD, Laurie. 

We then starting talking about my wanting to take Calc 1B this summer, as we (the students in my Calc 1A class) are petitioning to have it offered. She said I would need to go to admissions and push my graduation paperwork back from spring 2013 to Summer 2013, with the assurance that I will still be able to walk in the spring graduation. Then, I looked up my old email from last semester, the one sent from the lady who processes the intent to graduate paperwork. She had highlighted the classes I needed to take (pre-calc, bio, chem, speech, art, etc.) and at the bottom, wrote that I needed to fulfill my foreign language requirement. 

The problem: I only took one year of Spanish at Joshua Springs, and to meet the IGETC requirement you need either two years of high school foreign language, or one year of college. I started to get very worried, thinking I would have to forfeit my spot at Davis for a single general ed class. Laurie assured me that Spanish is usually offered in the summer, but if I have to take the summer course here at COD, I will not be able to take the internship at MSU (if they pick me, very unlikely but a girl can hope). However, she looked it up in the old schedules and said it has been offered online in the summers, so even if I get the internship I will still be able to meeting the foreign language requirement and graduate with an IGETC certification.  

My options for summer are now either go on the internship and take the Spanish class online, or, stay here, take Calc 1B and Spanish (online or in class). The hardest part about staying here will be talking the people who regulate classes into letting me take 10 summer units (the cap is 6). 

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