Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Just an Average Friday . . .

Friday this semester is my absolute most favorite day of the week. Why, you ask? Well, I get to spend all morning listening to rock music and having my musical world expanded, then all afternoon I get to be in bio lab with some of my best friends cutting stuff open. Seriously, it doesn't get any better than that! 


This particular Friday (last week), I have to say, was extra awesome. I am officially a "young" Beatles fan. I guess I'm about 50 years too late, but that's okay. My favorite song is "I Want to Hold Your Hand." Bonnie and I found this T shirt for a couple bucks when we went graduation dress shopping, isn't it perfect? Speaking of shirts, my History of Rock and Roll professor decided to show us a typical outfit he would wear back in the 70's. The shirt is one his group of friends made themselves. It's a play off of "This is your brain...This is your brain on drugs." But their shirt says, "This is a brain...This is a brain on a pillow...This is a Tonka truck." Brilliant. 

The skirt, now, I'm not quite sold on yet. . . ;)

Rockin' out in History of Rock and Roll! 


The first half of the semester was plant slide after plant slide, to the point that our eyes were getting crossed from looking through scopes constantly! Now we're into the fun stuff. Two weeks ago, we dissected a starfish, a crayfish, a clam, and a squid. This last week we dissected a frog (actually was a bit disgusted by the frog, they had dyed the inside and it just looked wrong), a perch, and best of all, a shark! This Friday we will be doing fetal pigs. The anatomy of a pig is supposed to be very similar to human anatomy, so I am excited to get in there. 

Marco, Dana, me, and Crystal

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