From my Facebook today: For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As the Scriptures say, "He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness." 1 Corinthians 3:19 (Verse of the week, for sure!)
Problem: Too many units. After going over my student education plan (for the thousandth time, my goodness), I realized that about 20 higher-level course credits were not going to transfer.
Here's the quick version: I will transfer with over 120 semester units on my current track, which I was fine with, knowing the college I transfer to will only accept up to 70 of those. I figured the ones they weren't taking would be the lower level pre reqs, etc. No big deal. The red flag arose when I realized that I was taking about 90 upper level classes, meaning that those twenty difficult, ugly units (classes with super expensive textbooks) would be wasted, thrown out like old garbage by the college I'd worked so hard to earn them for. Well, that's not going to happen! I went to my counselor, made a few phone calls, and now we have a new plan.
Solution: Transfer early! I will graduate from COD in Spring 2013 with an AA in Liberal Arts - Math & Science instead of Spring 2014 with an AA in Biology, which is a bummer but without the organic chem and physics it's just not going to happen. So, I'm going to put applications in this October (for the CSU) and November (for OSU and the UC) at my top three choices:
Oregon State University,
Cal Poly Pomona, and
UC Davis. I've already submitted my TAG (transfer admission guarantee, I highly recommend doing this for your top UC choice as you can only do one) to UC Davis, so that's a good start.
There are pros and cons with every school choice. I have visited Cal Poly three times, Davis once and I've never been to Oregon State but my mom says it's beautiful. For Sean, an important aspect is NOT moving after we move to the place where I will finish my undergrad. He wants to take those six or seven (I hope) years to nail down his education and career. This works in all situations: for OSU, I could apply to their vet school, same for Davis. For Cal Poly, I could apply to the relatively new vet school at Western University. From their website, they seem like an interesting alternative (especially their study-abroad program, that would mesh well with my Army goals, I think).
Personally, I love the look and feeling of an old university (like University of Utah where my sister went to school). From the photos I've seen, OSU might just satisfy that desire for me. A big downside would be the move; long distance and very expensive (we're budgeting about $5,000 for traveling up there, rent deposit and one month of rent for buffer). We have to move ourselves and two cars, so with gas prices the way they are, that won't be fun. A huge plus is my family! All of my family lives in Oregon and Washington, and I've never lived close to them, ever! It would be a dream come true to see them on a regular basis. A heart breaker, though, is moving away from Sean's family. His parents and brother are an integral part of our lives.
Then again, Davis is huge and gorgeous. It would still be a long distance, expensive move, plus we'd be about ten hours from all family. No holidays without a long drive or a flight up or down (in other words, on our budget, no family holidays). If my TAG goes though, I would have guaranteed admission here. Also, with their Blue and Gold program and our low income, we would qualify for free tuition. The area around Davis is very romantic in it's college town-ness, which I adore. Just walking down town when we were there at the beginning of the summer was intoxicating, eating at the pizzeria overflowing with students and joy.
Cal Poly is a polytechnic school, so super hands on. I love that aspect. I do not love the idea of living in Los Angeles. The price of living out there is outrageous, although it might be less difficult for Sean to find a job with an ambulance company as an EMT. It might be a bit cheaper school-wise since CSUs tend to be less expensive than UCs. In my bones, I feel like Cal Poly is a cop out. At this point in my life, I want to go out, see the world, spread my wings. Going to school an hour and a half down the road seems, to me, a bit timid.
Snag: One question is whether to try to graduate from COD this spring, before hearing back from the schools, or waiting until summer, when I would know for sure. The reason this is an issue is if I graduate from COD with an AA in Lib Arts, but do not get accepted to any of my transfer schools, there would be a problem with getting any financial aid at COD again. They would want to know why I had graduated yet was still taking classes. My counselor says I could fight them on this, explain that I had attempted to transfer a bit early but the plan had fallen through, and still needed to complete a few more classes before the transfer schools would accept me. I might be able to make it work. A safer way would be to wait until summer to graduate. If accepted and transferring, I could take a little online class, finish it, and graduate. If not accepted and staying at COD, I would continue on with the old plan. A bummer about this plan would be not walking, and I would really like to do that even though community colleges aren't like "real" colleges. I still want the cap and gown, the hugs and cards and "good for you's". Does that make me selfish? I don't know.
(That's me #2 blocking the RCC middle in a tournament from a couple weekends ago).
Also, without a second year of college volleyball at the junior college level, I don't think I'll stand a chance of playing for any of these schools. I don't even know if that was ever a possibility as I don't know how the schedule works for an athlete at a real college and the schedule for a pre-vet major. I've been making it work here at COD but it hasn't been easy, I can't imagine it being very possible at that level. Also, I don't know if you can just try out or if you have to be scouted. I'm really clueless here, as you can see!
Sidenote, Domingo my horse was able to be leased out this last Saturday. He went to a nice family in LA who ride trails and do a little hunter/jumper stuff on the side. I'm so glad he has a family and job again, just trying not to think about what we're going to do with him if we end up moving to Oregon this coming summer. . .
Here's a photo of him and his new people. :)
P.S. I've been using this new note taking device, it's a pen with a built in tape recorder. It's actually been very helpful, I would recommend it to everyone! It's called Live Scribe, I have the "Echo" pen.